❶ Pure cashmere has a fleece content of more than a few%.

The velvet content of pure cashmere is more than 95%.

Cashmere sweaters are divided into pure cashmere sweaters and blended cashmere sweaters. Pure cashmere sweaters should contain 100% cashmere fibers, taking into account the morphological variation of cashmere fibers and the factors of non-artificial blending of wool, according to Chinese textile industry standards, the content of finished cashmere thread cashmere fibers can reach up to 98%.

Cashmere content of more than 30% can be called cashmere sweater, cashmere content of less than 30% can only be called plush blended products, cashmere content of more than 95% can be marked as 100% cashmere or pure cashmere sweater.


How much cashmere jacket content is good Extended reading:

Cashmere is a thin layer of velvet that grows in the outer cortex of goats, hidden in the thick hair roots of goats, and the sunshine time is reduced (autumn equinox) when it grows out, resisting wind and cold, and falling off after increasing the sunshine time (spring equinox), according to the length of light time, naturally adapting to the climate, and is a rare special animal fiber.

Cashmere is very precious not only because of its scarcity (only 0.2% of the world’s total animal fiber production), but more importantly, its excellent quality and characteristics, which are considered to be “fiber gemstones” and “fiber queens” in the trade.

Cashmere is a thin and curved fiber, which contains a lot of air and forms an air layer that can defend against the invasion of foreign cold air and retain body temperature without decreasing. Cashmere is much thinner than wool, and the outer scales are also finer and smoother than wool, so it is light, soft and tough.

❷ Coat cashmere content is 50 percent good, or wool content is 35 percent good

Coat cashmere content of 50% good or careful will shrink Oh, preferably higher.

1. Look at the tag.
Usually, cashmere is pure wool or wool and artificial fiber blended, the tag will be marked with the composition of wool coat, the higher the general wool content, the higher the price, the higher the content of rayon fiber (such as viscose, polyester fiber), the easier to take care of, the amount of cashmere is generally not very high, because the price of cashmere is too expensive.
Generally you choose cashmere coats, first look at the cashmere content, about 10% or less, the price is 2000 or higher, and then look at the wool content, the wool content in about 80% of the quality is better, and finally look at the man-made fiber content, the artificial fiber content is high, structured and easy to take care of.

2. look at the higher
the feel of the wool content, the more delicate the feel, the stronger the fluff feeling.
Wool with cashmere is more delicate than wool without cashmere.
The higher the man-made fiber, the more structured and boney it feels, and it is not easy to be hairy.

3. look at the light color of the wool quality is higher than the dark color.

❸ When buying wool coats, the wool content is more appropriate

Generally speaking, cashmere products can be divided into two categories: pure cashmere products with a content standard of more than 95%, cashmere products with a content of more than 30%, and those with a fleece content of less than 30% cannot be called cashmere products. All cashmere is cashmere, and the so-called “cashmere” does not exist. Therefore, when buying a wool coat, it must be carefully distinguished. According to the relevant provisions of the state, the cashmere content of products with pure cashmere logo must be more than 95%.

❹ How much cashmere should the cashmere content of the cashmere coat be

About 50% is very good, so that the warmth is also there, and then it is not easy to pick up, and the price will be much cheaper. The best thing to say is pure cashmere (more than 95% can be called pure cashmere).

Washing method:

Washing method one: For woolen cashmere sweaters, carefully check the clothes before washing to see if there is oil on them. If there is oil stain, apply soft cotton dipped in ether and gently rub on it. After removing the oil stain, put the cashmere sweater into the water with a temperature of no more than 30 degrees Celsius and add an appropriate amount of wool fabric special detergent, wash it gently by hand, dehydrate it on the platform covered with towels, sort it out by hand to the original shape, dry it in the shade or iron it with a steam iron, and avoid hanging and exposing.
Washing method two: put the special detergent into 35 degrees Celsius water and stir evenly, put the soaked cashmere sweater in, soak for 15 to 30 minutes, in the key dirty areas and neckline, cuffs with a high concentration of lotion detergent, take the method of squeezing and kneading, the rest of the parts gently kneaded. Jacquard or multi-color cashmere sweaters should not be soaked, and cashmere sweaters of different colors should not be washed together. After rinsing with water of about 30 degrees Celsius, you can add an appropriate amount of matching softener, and the feel will be better.
Squeeze out the water inside the washed cashmere sweater and put it in the mesh pocket and dehydrate it in the washing machine’s dehydration bucket. Lay the dehydrated cashmere sweater flat on a table covered with towels, measure it to its original size with a ruler, and dry it by hand. After drying, you can use a steam iron at a medium temperature of about 140 degrees Celsius to iron flat, the iron and cashmere sweater should leave a distance of 0.5 to 1 cm, do not press on it, such as using other irons must pad a wet towel.

Identification of cashmere coats:
1. sent to the quality inspection department for identification: cut part of the fabric, or use the small fabrics donated by the coat to the local quality supervision bureau fiber inspection institute for identification, of course, this identification is necessary for money, if you are not at ease with your cashmere coat, you can also try.
2. their own identification:
the first step, find a number of fabrics of the warp and weft;
The second step is to light it with a fire and smell if there is a smell of burnt feathers;
The third step is to twist the ashes by hand, if the ashes are easy to crush, and the particles are small and uniform, it means that it is genuine, and vice versa.

❺ Cashmere coat labels have fleece content, in the end how much fleece is qualified

According to the relevant national industry standards, if it is pure cashmere, it must reach more than 95%, cashmere products Zhongshan cashmere fiber content of 95% and above, can be regarded as 100% cashmere, and can be marked as 100% cashmere single products. Cashmere content less than 95% can only be called plush products. Cashmere blend products will indicate the percentage of cashmere content on the brand of cashmere coat.

Cashmere coats generally have higher cashmere content, the more expensive the price, because the price of cashmere itself is expensive, but coats with cashmere content higher than 50%, although warm but not durable.

If it is 70% wool and 30% cashmere content, it can be determined that it is real wool cashmere, and it is very good to reach 70% wool and 30% cashmere. Because cashmere sweaters with a fleece content of less than 30% are not much different from wool sweaters in terms of feel, it can reach this fleece content in order to feel rich and soft, have a more obvious touch, and are more warm.

According to the relevant national industry standards, pure cashmere knitwear should contain 100% cashmere fiber, taking into account the morphological variation of cashmere fiber and non-artificial blended wool factors, cashmere products Zhongshan cashmere fiber content of 95% and above, can be regarded as 100% cashmere, and can be marked as 100% cashmere single product. Cashmere content below 30% can only be called plush blended products.

(1) Pure cashmere, containing 95%-100% of the fleece.

(2) Cashmere blend products, cashmere coats will indicate the percentage of cashmere contained on the trademark.

(3) How much cashmere jacket content is good Extended reading:

The difference between cashmere and cashmere:

1. cashmere is grown in the goat body fine fluff, this kind of goat is called cashmere goat, its warmth and moisture absorption is very good, the diameter of the fluff is 14-17 microns, the length is 30-45 mm, the fiber of cashmere is composed of cortical layer and scale layer, the cross-section of the fiber is oval cylindrical, a goat produces about 75 grams of no plush per year.

In other words, the fleece produced by five goats a year can only weave one ordinary cashmere sweater. Cashmere products mainly include cashmere sweaters, cashmere pants, cashmere skirts, cashmere scarves and so on. From the outside, it has a natural luster, soft and plump feel, soft, light, warm, smooth, elastic and several major characteristics. Therefore, cashmere is known as “fiber gemstone” and “soft gold”.

2. sheep do not produce cashmere at all, naturally there is no cashmere sweater. In fact, sheep produce wool, it has a large output, a large number, the fineness of the wool is 20-40 microns, the length is 50-200 mm, and it can be roughed and worsted to process and weave products, such as coats, uniforms, blankets, woolen tweeds, wool, wool, wool sweaters, etc.

“Cashmere” and “cashmere” are two products with very different intrinsic qualities, and the price of the former is generally 5 times that of the latter.

Reference source: Network – Cashmere content

Reference source: Web – Cashmere coat

Reference source: Web-cashmere fabric

Reference source: Web – Cashmere

❻ What is the general gross content of cashmere coats

30% and above.

FZ/T73009-1997 “Cashmere Knitwear” standard stipulates all the technical characteristics of cashmere knitwear, test methods, inspection and acceptance rules and packaging marks, and is suitable for identifying the quality of fine, coarsely combed cashmere knitwear and cashmere blend knitwear containing 30% or more cashmere.

Cashmere knitwear is graded according to physical indicators, dyeing assessments and inspection results of appearance quality. Product grades are divided into superior products, first-class products, second-class products, and third-class products.

How much cashmere jacket content is good Extended reading:


1. slender, soft and warm. Cashmere is the thinnest kind of animal fiber, Arbas cashmere fineness is generally between 13um-15.5um, high natural curl, tightly arranged in spinning and weaving, good hugging force, so good warmth. Cashmere fiber has small and smooth outer scales, and there is an air layer in the middle of the fiber, so it is light in weight and smooth to the touch.

2. The color is natural and soft. Cashmere fiber fineness is uniform, density is small, cross-section is mostly regular round, strong moisture absorption, can fully absorb dyes, not easy to fade. Compared with other fibers, cashmere has the advantages of luster, naturalness, softness, purity, and brilliance.

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